Ithaca Print Commons

Located at 171 East State Street, Ithaca Commons, Ithaca, New York (Center Ithaca)

Sophie Herrmann and Jake Van Langeveld: “Just for Fun”

Ithaca Print Commons is excited to share the new works of Sophie Herrmann and Jake Van Langeveld. From Corning, Sophie feels at home in the Ithaca community. A malleable minded child, she found a love for art history. Taking inspiration from the Expressionist and Fauvism, her tactile and color-rich wall rugs are filled with textures your eyes can fell." Jake Van Langeveld is a local Ithaca artist whose work deals with surrealism, absurdity, and cartoons mainly. Sometimes hellish, sometimes joyful; visions of color, form, line, and space emerge out of the realm of his mind with ferocity and gusto on a frequent basis.


Buffalo Street Books


Kitchen Theatre