Sedia's Art Space

Located at 312 4th Street Ithaca, NY

Kota Bear, Zinc Curriculum, D.I. Fuller, Jenna Dancing Bear, Jeri & Cairo: “Sedia's And Friends”

Cairo and Jeri are a couple currently residing in Ithaca. They began creating art together in 2023 and have mixed their passions into their own unique style. Cairo brings in tattoo, anime, and sketch style influences. Jeri brings in digital, multimedia, and portrait style art. They seek inspiration through mutual interests and hope to spread joy through their art. Jenna Dancing Bear does ecological heart, organic from nature, like me. Heart heals me and can heal life on our earth and beyond. Local Talented Artist Showcased At Sedia's Art Space


First Unitarian Society of Ithaca, Art Parlor


Buffalo Street Books