Seneca Place Gallery

Located at 130 East Seneca St, Ithaca NY, at the Hilton Garden Inn. Enter through Hilton Garden Inn front entrance.

Linda Wyatt: Finding Home

Born in the South, I was transplanted here at the age of seven, taken from the places I knew, into a very different culture and environment. My family moved from house to house in the area, rarely spending more than one year in each, and I keenly felt this lack of connection to place, to a sense of home. I started taking pictures at the age of eight, and was fortunate to attend East Hill School, which at that time was an alternative school, where students had access to a full darkroom and adults who were passionate about teaching us to use it. After years of creating images of the world I knew, I realized that it was this that is my home: the forests and fields, gorges and gardens, more than any man-made building. To this day, I have places and plants I visit repeatedly, which have become my close friends. I feel connected to all that grows here, and the soil and water it grows in and near. This is my place: I have found home.




State of the Art Gallery